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Journey to Taipiplaya

Some buyers came from diferent countries joined us on Tipiplaya Community last year. Since CoffeeWorkers set up our office in La Paz - Bolivia in 2015, we have sought to highlight mountains to a nice coffee producers: in a coffee world, a nice aroma and a nice grass vegetation. 
Organic Coffee
Bolivian Coffee
The perfect balance for our international specialty organic coffee and buyers from other countries are significant. They share experiences, stories and information between
themselves, and also meet our own coffee producer like Alberto, Eugenio Villca, Florencio Mayta and, as well as dozens of coffee producers.
Like Villca´s Family – our producer in Taipiplaya – to the smaller and medium growers, many of them members of Chijchipani’s Coops.

This year we were joined not only by clients but also by a coffee producer, Eloy Mamani from Calama in Caranavi. CoffeeWorkers has engaged with his family in the past to great success, a great chance to talk more with Eloy about his family farm.

Caranavi-Bolivian Coffee City
Our experience in organic coffee since 2007, give us the word to say that coffee plant are comfortable where people are. If the climate is apt to make people bundle up or to be excessively hot, particulary during flowering and fruit development, the trees are not likely to do well. but altitude also plays an important factor.


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