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Showing posts from 2017

Making an Espresso at Home

For most coffee lovers the home espresso - cappuccino machine has become a must. There is one small problem, and that is learning how to make the same sensual - looking drink that your smiling and confident barista serves you, instead of a mess of ground and limp foam. Here are some of the basic of home espresso making that we have managed to get out of our favorite baristas: As long as the coffee is very finely ground, espresso can be made from any kind of coffee roasted in any style. In our case, Café de Altura (High Altitude Coffee), from La Paz, Bolivia, at medium roast. Be sure to pack the grounds - approximately 7 grs (2tsp.) to ounces (4 tbsp.) of water- carefully. If they are too tightly packed, the water can not get through, the espresso will taste burnt, and you will end up with dry spots in your gruppa (the metal cup that holds the grounds). If they are packed too light, you will get a watered-down version, without the concentrated body and flavor a true espresso s